Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nothing in Particular, Written in Haste

Chang O and I at the local aquarium.

There's not been water lately. A political matter. In this picture, a gaggle of men have blocked the main intersection and are debating how best to get water.

A local graveyard, full of the ghosts of British imperialism.

Jasvinder Singh, my go-to shopkeep.

After my classes I spend the afternoons with my neighbors. They are gravalis, tribal locals from Uttarakhand. They are wonderful neighbors, and bring me yummy ladhus.

A little neighbor that I've named "Swatantrata Senani" - Freedom Fighter. He likes to destroy half-finished chess games that I'm playing with my 15-year-old neighbor.

Uncha Vala comes to my apartment at 2pm and sleeps until 8pm when I kick him out.

Theresa left yesterday for her Indian wedding. Her cards were mixed.

A porter carrying a fridge through the bazaar.

Traditional dress.

The local library - empty.


Linda and Dad said...

What the heck is going on with the water? I know you said political - but is it drinking, cooking, sewer, or everything? I love how colorful all your friends are.

Unknown said...

Daer Stephen...congrats on the beard, it made my face itch just seeing it! Take it easy on Vicki next week...she is used to air conditioning. Love Eric

ps If that is how people carry fridges in India...I am opening a chain of chiropractors there.

Unknown said...