Friday, January 9, 2009

Skiing and School

From December 29 - January 17, Stephen and Adrienne are teaching at an English winter camp at the school they've been staying at for the past month. In Korea, students have two months of vacation from school every year, one month in the winter and one month in the summer. During this time, many Korean students attend private specialty schools such as the one where we teach, called hagwons. The picture above is from the opening day assembly.

MJ, a fellow teacher and Vice President of the school, welcoming a student. MJ is a gregarious fellow, big and loud, prone to joking and singing Evangelical worship songs.

Two students from the highest-level class. Stephen teaches them writing and speaking, and Adrienne teaches them reading.

Three cute students from Adrienne's level two class.

Stephen on the first day of school.

No school is complete without a morose, Eeyore type.

Stephen lent his camera to a student who expressed interest in photography and she snapped this pic.

Adrienne with Karam and Dong Kwon, two of the level four students, on a school ski trip on Thurday.

We had a great time skiing - while Adrienne skied with control and ease, Stephen opted for out-of-control snowboarding. Only one innocent bystander was eliminated by his wrecklessness. By the time Adrienne caught up, Stephen, ice in his beard, a 10-foot board-skid behind him, was one member of a dazed pile including himself and another boy.


Dave Johnson said...

Steve you have oh so many looks...your reddish beard leave you looking quite the jolly professor type complete with a swooping head of hair. When will the emo spike come back? I do miss it.

Unknown said...

Wow you guys look like your having fun. I think getting away from your last job has increased your karma and moved you up the reincarnate scale from a grasshopper to an antelope. Love you Eric
PS Its been crazy here ...but email coming. HUG